5 Reasons to Eat Ghee in Winters

Himalayan Natives

6 min Read

November 22, 2023 | health-nutrition

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Reasons to Eat Ghee in Winters

In Indian tradition, Desi Cow Ghee emerges not just as a culinary treasure but a time-honoured elixir that our ancestors revered, particularly during the winter months.

Winter doesn’t just bring a sweep of cold breeze, it’s also a time when our body gets more vulnerable to various health issues. From the usual cold and flu to joint pains worsened by the cold, our immune system gets a real test.

This is where the age-old wisdom of incorporating Desi Cow Ghee into our diet unfolds, a practice deeply rooted in our culture for centuries.

As the Winter season has already begun, let’s explore how our ancestors harnessed the power of Desi Cow Ghee not just to add flavour to their meals but as a natural remedy to combat the Winter chills.

The Nutritional Goodness in Ghee

We are sure you would agree that Ghee is more than food and that it's got some real good nutrition in it. It's not just a winter thing. It’s a year-round friend, with nutrition that keeps you healthy no matter the season.

ghee wooden bowl silver spoon

But did you ever wonder how?

Let’s hop onto a few of the many health benefits of Desi Cow Ghee you should not miss out this Winter season.

How Ghee Helps in Winter

1. Keeps You Warm Inside: Ghee acts like a natural heater, making you feel warm when it's cold outside.

During winter, we all crave warmth, not just externally but internally too. Ghee has a unique quality of generating heat in the body, helping you combat the cold weather. A spoonful of Ghee in your meals or a warm glass of milk with Ghee can be your secret weapon against winter chills.

2. Helps Your Immune System: It makes your body strong, so you don’t get sick easily.

Winter is notorious for bringing flu and colds. Ghee comes to your rescue by boosting your immune system. The butyric acid in Ghee has antimicrobial properties, helping your body fight off infections. A strong immune system means fewer sick days during the winter months.

3. Good for Skin and Hair: In winter, when things get dry, Ghee helps keep your skin and hair happy.

Cold weather often leads to dry skin and frizzy hair. Ghee is like a natural moisturiser from within. Its rich content of fatty acids hydrates your skin, making it soft and supple. Applying a bit of Ghee on your hair can tame the winter frizz, leaving you with nourished and shiny locks.

4. Easy on Your Tummy: When it's cold, your stomach can be slow. Ghee helps it work better, making you feel good.

Winter can sometimes bring digestive issues. Ghee aids digestion by stimulating the digestive enzymes. It's light on the stomach and helps in the assimilation of nutrients. Including Ghee in your winter diet ensures that your digestive system functions smoothly, keeping you comfortable and satiated.

5. Makes You Stronger: Packed with an ample lot of nutrition, Ghee gives you energy and makes you feel strong.

Winter often brings a sense of lethargy. Ghee, being an excellent source of energy, can revitalise your body. The medium-chain fatty acids in Ghee are readily converted into energy, providing you with a quick and sustained power boost. Including Ghee in your meals can keep you energised throughout the day.

Quick & Easy Natural Ghee Remedies

Here are three time-tested quick and easy natural remedies with Ghee. These remedies have helped our elders and served as trusted companions in tackling winter health challenges. These remedies come from the heart of traditional knowledge, they are age-old recipes passed down through generations.

ghee jar

1. Ghee and Turmeric Potion for Immunity Boost:

How to:

  • In a warm cup of water, add a teaspoon of Desi Cow Ghee and a pinch of turmeric. Stir well and savour this comforting potion.

  • The combination of Ghee and turmeric, both celebrated for their anti-inflammatory and immunity-boosting properties, becomes a potent elixir to combat seasonal illnesses.

2. Ghee Massage for Joint Pain Relief:

How to:

  • Combine the goodness of Desi Cow Ghee with a dash of warming winter spices like cinnamon or ginger. 

  • Gently warm the mixture and use it for a soothing massage on joints and muscles. The natural lubricating qualities of Ghee, coupled with the anti-inflammatory properties of spices, work wonders in alleviating winter-induced joint pains.

3. Ghee and Honey Soothing Throat Elixir:

How to:

  • Mix a teaspoon of Desi Cow Ghee with an equal amount of honey. 

  • Consume this to soothe sore throat and relieve cough. 

  • The antimicrobial properties of honey, along with the comforting texture of Ghee, create a natural remedy that not only relieves throat irritation but also provides a warm, healing touch during the colder months.

Embrace the simplicity and efficacy of these natural Ghee remedies, ensuring that winter is not just endured but enjoyed with the wholesome goodness of age-old solutions.

Where to Find Best Ghee in India!

When you want the best Ghee, a few things you should remember and look for are:

  • It should be pure, unadulterated and unprocessed, the way it’s always been made. 

  • It should be purely made of fresh milk of our Indigenous Desi Cow Breeds.

  • It should be sourced directly from the local Cow farmers who treat their animals with utmost love, respect and cruelty free.

  • It should be made traditionally, like the Ancient Bilona Hand Churning method.

What makes us unique is our connection with local cow farmers who are strictly committed to natural and ethical practices. Choosing Himalayan Natives 100% Natural Food Products not only means adopting a healthier eating lifestyle but also endorsing sustainable, time-tested farming methods.

Select your jar of Himalayan Natives Shuddh Desi Cow Ghee.

Have a look at how it’s made:

As winter comes, Ghee is like a friend who brings warmth and health. It's not just for food; it's for living well. So, in the cold days, pick Himalayan Natives Shuddh Ghee – it’s not just about warmth, it’s about staying well and happy.

In Conclusion, Ghee is not just a culinary delight, it's the best addition to your winter routine. From keeping you warm to fortifying your immune system, Ghee proves to be a versatile ally during the colder months.

Embrace the goodness of Himalayan Natives Shuddh Desi Ghee, and let this winter be a season of health, warmth, and well-being.

Visit our Instagram and Facebook page to get more such natural and healthy remedies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. Is it safe to consume Ghee in winters if I have a cold or cough?

Answer: Absolutely! Desi Cow Ghee is renowned for its medicinal properties and can be consumed during cold or cough. In fact, warm milk with a teaspoon of Ghee is a traditional remedy to soothe a sore throat and provide relief.

2. How can Ghee help in preventing winter illnesses?

Answer: Ghee aids in maintaining the body’s internal warmth and acts as a natural lubricant. Its antimicrobial properties contribute to overall immune support, making it a valuable addition to your winter diet.

3. Can Ghee be used externally for skin care during winters?

Answer: Certainly! Ghee’s moisturising properties make it an excellent natural remedy for dry and flaky skin in winters. Applying a small amount of Ghee on the skin can provide nourishment and hydration.

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