The Power of Mindful Eating: How it Can Help You Achieve Weight Loss Goals

Himalayan Natives

7 min Read

July 28, 2023 | wellness

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Mindful Eating

Weight loss can get complicated and be a long pursuit if we don’t do it right.

We often find ourselves trying various diets and rigorous eating plans, sometimes it might get frustrating and leave us feeling defeated in the end.

But what if we tell you that there is a simple yet highly effective approach that is easy to follow and mindful?

In this blog, let’s talk about the power of mindful eating, something that has been tried, tested and approved by nutritionists & health experts around the world.

Let’s build a healthier relationship with food.

Mindful Eating? What’s that?

Well, the name explains itself, right?

It has everything to do about how you understand what your body needs. It also focuses on how consciously you eat in a day.

healthy food chart

Most of us on a weight loss journey restrict ourselves from eating enough, in a belief that eating less will aid losing weight. But mindful eating says otherwise, it’s not about eating less, the key is to eat right.

It says, listen to your body’s signals of hunger and fullness, to be aware of what is harmful if not consumed carefully. At the same time, being mindful about the healthier alternatives of the foods that are adding up to your unhealthy diet.

You can still enjoy your favourite dishes & recipes, even while on a weight loss diet?

How does that sound?

Why Mindful Eating for Weight Loss?

So, how do we do that?

Before pointing out things you should & shouldn’t do, let’s fully understand the term “Mindful Eating” in a deeper sense.

healthy food vs unhealthy food

It isn’t about counting calories or following strict diet plans anymore! Did you know there are enough natural & wholesome food alternatives for most of the unhealthy foods we consume in our daily diet.

They provide us with all natural taste & flavours, have their nutritional profile intact and only have a positive effect on our health that supports weight loss goals.

How to Practise Mindful Eating!

Conscious effort and practice is all it takes for a successful weight loss journey.
Here are the most effective ways you can incorporate mindful eating into your daily eating habits: 

  • Slow down and Savour: While eating, do not be in a hurry. Take your time to chew each bite thoroughly and enjoy the flavours.
    This will allow your body to register satiety and that prevents overeating.

  • Healthy Snacking & Food Alternatives: Most important of all, here’s a list of all the unhealthy foods you need to start replacing slowly with natural foods:

1. Cooking Oil: Desi Cow Ghee & Virgin Coconut Oil

Desi Cow Ghee & Virgin Coconut Oil

  • Desi Cow Ghee, consuming this superfood daily supports weight loss by providing a source of healthy fats that promote satiety, boost metabolism, and aids nutrient absorption, which we do not get from cooking oil.

  • Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, on the other hand, provides us with medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) that also enhance metabolism, increase feelings of fullness, and provide sustained energy.

2. Sugar: Raw Honey & Jaggery Powder

Raw Honey & Jaggery Powder

  • Raw Multifloral Honey, other than offering natural sweetness, provides us with antioxidants, enzymes, and beneficial nutrients, aiding in digestion and curbing cravings for unhealthy sugary alternatives.

  • Whereas Jaggery Powder, a healthier alternative to refined sugar, provides essential minerals and vitamins, and regulates blood sugar levels, reducing the likelihood of unhealthy snacking.

3. Fried Snacks: Dry Fruits, Nuts & Seeds

Dry Fruits, Nuts & Seeds

  • Dry Fruits & Nuts, including Almonds, Cashews & Raisins, support weight loss by offering a nutrient-dense and satisfying snack option, packed with healthy fats, fibre, and essential nutrients that help control appetite and provide lasting energy throughout the day.

  • Almonds, Cashews & Raisins aid weight loss with their nutrient-dense profile, promoting fullness, and providing lasting energy.

  • Create a healthy diet chart: Plan your meals mindfully, including a balance of natural food products like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. A well-balanced, nutritious diet is key to weight loss success.

  • Daily meal planning: Take a few minutes each day to plan your meals ahead of time. This reduces impulsive food choices and allows you to make conscious decisions about what you eat.

Tips for Mindful Eating and a Good Diet

Here are some more tips to help you incorporate mindful eating into your daily diet routine:

Include these Healthy Seeds in your meals: Seeds like Chia seeds, Flax seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Basil Seeds and Sunflower seeds are rich in plant based nutrients. And can be easily added to salads, smoothies, or yoghurt for an extra boost of flavour and texture.

Super Seeds for Weight Loss This Summer

Because of their rich nutritional content, including beneficial fatty acids, omega-3s, fibre, vitamins, minerals, and protein, may aid with hormone levels and weight control when consumed regularly.

You are losing out on the advantages of super seeds if you do not include them in the healthy diet designed to help you lose weight.

Here’s a detailed read on how you can incorporate: 7 Super Seeds for Weight Loss.

Embrace Healthy Eating: Choose whole, unprocessed foods just the way Himalayan Natives 100% Natural food products are.

Fill your plate with a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to nourish your body.

Finally, Is it Worth it & What to Expect!

The benefits of mindful eating extend beyond weight loss.

By adopting mindful eating practices, many individuals have experienced transformative results in their overall well-being. Some benefits include:

  • Improved digestion and nutrient absorption: Mindful eating promotes better digestion by encouraging us to chew food thoroughly and engage in relaxed eating. This enhances the body's ability to absorb essential nutrients from the food we consume.

  • Reduced stress and emotional eating: Mindful eating helps us become aware of emotional triggers that lead to unhealthy eating habits. By cultivating mindfulness, we can develop alternative coping mechanisms and reduce stress-related eating.

  • Enhanced food satisfaction and reduced cravings: When we eat mindfully, we savour each bite, allowing us to experience greater satisfaction from our meals. This can reduce cravings for unhealthy snacks and promote a more balanced and varied diet.


We at Himalayan Natives believe that natural foods are the key if not the most important thing in weight management. That’s why, we bring our health freaks and food lovers 100% Natural Food Products that are unprocessed and full of flavours.

In the end, we hope you will agree that one should cultivate mindful eating into their daily eating habits. It helps us to make better food choices, prevent overeating, and develop good eating habits.

Remember, mindful eating is not a quick fix but a sustainable lifestyle change that can lead to long-term weight loss results and improved overall well-being.

Join our Instagram and Facebook for daily health tips and healthy recipes using natural foods. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. Is mindful eating a sustainable way to lose weight?

Answer: Yes, studies have shown that mindful eating can be just as effective as traditional dieting for weight loss. However, it is important to remember that mindful eating is not a quick fix. It takes time and practice to develop the skills necessary to eat mindfully. However, if you are willing to put in the effort, mindful eating can be a powerful tool for weight loss and overall health.

2. What are the 5 S of Mindful Eating?

  • Savour: Take time to savour and appreciate the taste, texture, and aroma of your food.

  • Slow: Eat slowly and mindfully, allowing yourself to fully experience each bite.

  • Simplify: Avoid distractions and focus solely on your meal, creating a calm eating environment.

  • Stop: Pause between bites and assess your level of hunger and fullness.

  • Self-awareness: Tune into your body's signals, emotions, and cravings without judgement while eating.

3. What are some more tips on Mindful Eating?
Answer: Here are few simple yet highly effective tips you should follow for optimum results:

  • Refrain from watching TV while eating

  • Serve appropriate portions

  • Chew food thoroughly (about 32 times before swallowing)

  • Sit down during meals

These suggestions emphasise the importance of paying attention, mirroring the essence of mindful eating.

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