Is Ghee Useful for Healthy Digestion?

Himalayan Natives

6 min Read

May 12, 2023 | health-nutrition

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Is Ghee Useful for Healthy Digestion

Ghee has been a staple ingredient in Indian cuisine for centuries. However, its health benefits have only recently been recognized by the western world.

And one of the most debated yet significant and proven advantages of ghee is its ability to aid digestion. But are you still wondering if Desi Ghee can really contribute to better digestive health?

Then do not worry, in this blog, we will delve into the science behind how ghee helps with digestion and explore its potential benefits for maintaining a healthy gut.

The Nutritional Value of Ghee

When it comes to nutrition, Desi Ghee is a real powerhouse! Let’s look at how this delicious golden liquid provides your body with daily nutrition.

Calories: One tablespoon of ghee contains around 120 calories, making it a calorie-dense food. However, these calories have healthy fats that provide your body with energy.

Healthy Fats: What really sets ghee apart is its high concentration of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These fats are essential for providing energy to the body and supporting various bodily functions.

Vitamins: Ghee is rich in vitamins A, D, E, and K. These vitamins play an essential role in maintaining good health and are crucial for healthy skin, eyes, bones, and immune function.

Butyric Acid: And let's not forget about butyric acid - a short-chain fatty acid which is found in ghee and has been shown to promote gut health, reduce inflammation, and even help prevent certain diseases.


It's important to keep in mind that ghee should be consumed in moderation as it is a calorie-dense food. A recommended daily intake is 2-3 tablespoons per day to get the necessary health benefits while avoiding any potential negative effects from overconsumption.

So if you're looking to add some nutritional value to your diet, our bestsellers All Natural Ghee range is definitely worth trying!

A2 Ghee: An even Healthier version of Desi Ghee

Did you know that not all ghee are created equal?

There are two types of milk protein found in cows - A1 and A2 - and the type of protein can affect the quality of ghee produced from it.

A2 ghee is made from the milk of cow breeds like Badri, Gir & Sahiwal that only produce the A2 protein, while A1 ghee comes from cows that produce both A1 and A2 proteins.

A2 Ghee

Research has shown that A2 ghee is easier to digest, and can even provide additional health benefits like reducing inflammation and improving heart health. So, if you're looking for the best quality ghee, consider opting for A2 ghee. Your body will thank you for it!

The Benefits of Ghee for Digestion

If you're looking for a natural way to improve your digestion, ghee might just be the answer! 

  • This age-old ingredient is packed with short-chain fatty acids that are known to stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes. This means that your body can break down food more efficiently, reducing bloating and discomfort.

  • But that's not all! Ghee also helps to lubricate the digestive tract, which makes for smoother digestion and elimination. 

  • Plus, its rich concentration of butyric acid works wonders for nourishing the cells, lining the gut and reducing inflammation. So if you're someone who suffers from gut-related issues, incorporating ghee into your diet could be a game-changer for you.

Overall, it's clear that ghee is a digestive superstar. So why not give it a try and see the benefits for yourself?

Want to know about the other health benefits of Desi Ghee? Check out this blog: Types of Ghee and their Health Benefits.

The Relationship between Ghee and Weight Loss

Contrary to popular belief, ghee can aid in weight loss due to its high concentration of CLA. Well, you might ask what is CLA and how does it achieve this?

CLA stands for Conjugated linoleic acid and it helps the body burn fat, increases lean muscle mass, and reduces inflammation, all of which are beneficial for weight loss.

Ghee is also a healthy fat that can keep you feeling full for longer periods of time, reducing the urge to overeat or snack between meals.

Ghee in Traditional Medicine

Ghee has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. In Ayurveda, ghee is known as "Sneha," which means "Oil of love."

According to Ayurveda, consuming ghee can improve digestion, enhance memory, boost immunity, and promote overall health and wellbeing. Ghee is also used in many home remedies for various ailments, one of them being, can you guess?

That’s right, an upset stomach.

As an old Indian saying goes: "The purity of ghee indicates the love in the heart." This traditional quote emphasizes the importance of using pure and unprocessed ghee for optimal health benefits.

Incorporating Ghee into Your Diet the right way

There are many healthier ways to incorporate ghee into your diet. 

  • It can be used as a cooking oil, drizzled over vegetables, parathas, and desserts.

  • You may use it in your bullet coffee and have it first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, to accelerate your metabolism which helps you to lose weight.

  • Ghee can also be consumed on an empty stomach to promote faster digestion and absorption of nutrients.

When purchasing ghee, it is important to buy it from a reputable and trusted source like Himalayan Natives. This 100% Natural Ghee brand is available both online and in local stores across India.

Natural Desi Cow Ghee

In conclusion, when it comes to promoting healthy digestion, the food we consume plays a crucial role. Among the many culinary treasures in the world, Desi Ghee has undoubtedly gained attention for its potential benefits in supporting digestive health.

Derived from ancient Indian practices such as Ayurveda, ghee has been revered as a superfood for its versatility and potential therapeutic properties.

Hop on to our Facebook & Instagram page and witness how our Pahadi Ghee is made traditionally from the nutritious milk of our Pahadi Cows at the Himalayan farms.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. When should I eat ghee for digestion?

Answer: Starting your day with a small amount of ghee can help improve the absorption of nutrients during the process of digestion. This helps lower the acidic pH level in the gastrointestinal tract, leading to improved digestion and metabolism. Additionally, ghee may act as a natural laxative and help promote better gut health. So, consider adding a little ghee to your morning routine to potentially reap these benefits for your digestive health.

2. How much ghee should I consume daily for healthy digestion?

Answer: A recommended daily intake is 2-3 tablespoons of ghee per day to get the necessary health benefits while avoiding any potential negative effects from over consumption.

3. Can ghee help with constipation?

Answer: Yes, Himalayan Natives Desi Ghee's lubricating properties can help alleviate constipation by easing bowel movements. Its high concentration of healthy fats can also stimulate bile flow, which helps the body break down fats more efficiently and prevent constipation.

4. Is ghee difficult to digest?

Answer: Ghee is considered "guru" or heavy to digest in Ayurvedic medicine. While ghee can work as a natural laxative for some, it may have the opposite effect for those with chronic indigestion or stomach issues. So, if you fall into this category, it's important not to over consume ghee.

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